Arts and crafts during May

Hello what a long weekend we just had!!! you must be rested.

Remember that we had to have Arts and Crafts. Even if you are not in school we will practice:

1. The comic.
Most of you have submitted already but some still without finishing the task. Please take a look to your Art folder in Drive and if it is empty you will have to do fill it with the comic.

2.- Pointillism

In this tutorial they give you some instructions. I´m sure that you won´t have canvas or oil paint at home; substitute these materials for simple pencils colors or markers  and a piece of paper. Finish the task before the 11st of May and download it on your Arts folder Drive for me 

3.-  Lines and curves.
The only things you need is follow the steps, a regular pencil (you don´t need two different kinds) and two pieces of paper, one for drawig with lines and another for curves. This exercise has tow tasks so you need to draw two drawings and finish them before the 18th of May and downloaded for me on your Art folder.

This work is very easy for you, I need it on your folder the 24th of May.


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English Science

Matemáticas Lengua

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