
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

Arts and crafts

Good afternoon, It has been great talking with you this afternoon. You look wonderful. ❤ Remember next Sunday is Mother's Day and I promissed you to give you some ideas to surprise your mom. Sapiens  could help you ... In this video you have different an easy ideas. But if you prefer cards try with this one: Send me a picture ... 😉

English and social science 30th April

SOCIAL SCIENCE Today we will finish the unit, you will have to read pages 30 & 31 about secondary sector. And the mind maps... Let's correct yesterday's questions which I asked you at the end of my audio review. The audio with my voice that I posted on your science folders on Drive. If you played at the end I asked you some questions about the explanation that I gave you. Down here you have the questions and the answers. Because you are going to have a lot of time during the next  4 days. You can play with  Quizziz  Remember do not make up names because you could not have a positive if I don't know your name. Don't worry about the results because the application send them to me directly. English Yesterday's corrections: Complete the exercises from your student book in page 54 ex 3, page 55 Exam task and exercises 4 & 5. Workbook page 36 exercises 1, 3 & 4 page 38 Exam task. Enjoy your weekend I'll see you next...

Skype video call

Today we will have a video call. There are some rules that you will have to take into consideration in order to follow the class. 1.- Everybody will be with the microphone off as soon as you enter in the video call. I will ask you by your name if I need you to talk. 2.- No pictures will be taken under any circunstance. 3.- I will make teams and meetings in different timetables. You will only join the one that you are assigned. If you have any problem with your schedule let me know via e-mail and I will assign you other group. 4.- No one is allowed to dismiss anybody. The firts time that happened I will cancel the meeting. 4.-  5A group 1 we will follow the order of the list. From pupil 1 until 13 included. You will conect at 3:00 pm 5A group 2  from 14 until 25 at 3:30 pm 5B gruop 1 from 1 until 13 included at 4:00pm 5B group 2 from 14 until 25included at 4:30 pm    this is the link that you have to join. It is a tutoring. We will talk about different a...

English and social 29th April

Today we are going to learn about going to. Click the picture to watch the video To summarise what you know: 1. Use of the  going to 1.1. planned actions in the future We  are   going to   sing  at the party. 1.2. You are certain that something is going to happen in the future (logical consequence). Look at that car! It  is   going to   crash  into the yellow one. 2. Form to  be (am, are, is)  +  going to  +  infinitive 3. Examples 3.1. Affirmative sentences in the  going to-future Long forms Contracted forms I  am   going to   play  handball. I 'm   going to   play  handball. You  are   going to   play  handball. You 're   going to   play  handball. 3.2. Negative sentences in the  going to-future Long forms Contracted forms I  am   not   going to   play  handball. I 'm ...

English & science April 28th

Hello kids!!! I saw this picture and I thought about you. Lets start... Today in English we have to correct from Student Book exercise 1 page 103: 1.- 1) to help   2)playing    3)watching   4) playing   5) helping. Download the exercise and the table about Infinitive and -ing verbs that you have copied on your English folder in GoogleDrive. For today. It would be great if you could watch again the video that I sent you yesterday. I know you liked it because many of you just told me.  Complete exercises 2 and 3 in page 58 from your Student Book. I will send tomorrow the corrections and you will submit them tomorrow.  Remember last Friday task (Día del libro) will be graded. Today you don't have to.much homework so it will be great if you check the task and you complete it. Just an advice, you have to submit it before Friday. Social science. The mind maps from this lesson that you are sending me every...

27th April English and Social

Grammar  Unit 9 Infinitive versus -ing form  We are going to start unit 9. Open your student book in page 102 and 103 You will find a video explanation in your Google Drive as an invitation, it was too heavy to downloaded on your folders. Check on your spam id you don't have the invitation in the inbox. Page 103: Exercise 1&2 Tomorrow you will have the corrections and you will download the task in English folder unit 9. I won't post the English correction test until everybody download the exam in his folder... still 3 people ... Social Science Unit 2  The three sectors of economy pages 26 & 27. Explanation in Google Drive, open your folder science and you will see a mp4  audio, play it and you will hear the explanation. If you haven't finish your mind map TODAY you should Download it on Google Drive Science homework. Enter in your folder and listen the recording. Read pages 28 & 29. At least 3 times.

Saber Hacer

Cristina me ha pedido que os entregue este documento. Os he dejado una copia a cada uno en vuestras carpetas de Google Drive para que os lo podáis descargar más fácilmente. Por favor seguir las instrucciones que os dado Cristina.

Weekly planning 27 - 30 April


Digital Storytelling

Yesterday was "El día del libro", because we didn't have class, we had a test, we couldn't celebrate it... so today is the day. I suggest 2 activities to choose. You only have to complete one.  1-Digital Storytelling       There are story generators where you can create your story and your own book. The one that I like the best is Storybird . If you really want to work hard and you have time and want to share doing a different thing with your family this is your activity. It is not mandatory it is a challenger that you can do. 2- Your other option is writing  a story in your notebook following this patterns. Minimum 50 words. You will have to include who are the characters? What did it happen? Where did the story take place? When? How and why?       One of these 2 tasks has to be downloaded in Google Drive before Friday 1st . It will be graded for the evaluation. Test's corrections from yesterday they will be p...

English 23 April

This is your test, if you can't print it just take a piece of paper and write down your answers. Don't forget to write your name and your classroom. When you finish it sutmit it Google Drive English test Unit 8 Name                                        Class             1-Choose and circle the correct options. 1 I listened / was listening to the radio when I heard / was hearing this fantastic song. 2 When the teacher said / was saying ‘Stop!’, I still tried / was still trying to finish the last question. 3 I feel really silly! While I danced / was dancing, I fell / was falling and broke / was breaking my elbow. 4 Tim played / was playing a computer game when his mum called / was calling him for lunch. 5 I looked / was looking for a file on my memory stick when I noticed / was noticing there was a virus. 6 Ron found / was finding a really int...

22nd April Science & English

English today is going to be fun. Quizziz finish it for tomorrow's test. Remember if you don't write down your real name you won't be graded. You will do an efford for nothing. In tomorrow exam you will have: Simple past and past continuous. Vocabulary of the unit Writing Reading  Science  I'll try to connect with you at one o'clock in Skype this is the link    (copy the link and paste it). I'm sure you know much more than me about Skype I chose it because you told me you used it with your classmates everyday so it is an app which you won't have any problem. You follow the link and you will join me as a guest. In the meeting: We will correct yesterday's test orally there are 4 people who haven't done it yet. I need the test in Google Drive before the corrections  We will talk about art classes I will explain how the English test will be  It will be fun to see your faces again, I'm sure you have changed after so long ...

Heat and light test

Instructions for the test. Keep your books and sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. You know this is a review to check how much you have learnt. Try not to copy. But remember this term you will be evaluate taking into account all your daily task, this test is just another task. You don't need to copy the questions, just the answers. If you want to print it and fill it out, is perfect but you don't need it. You only need to write down your name, class number and the right answers. Read it carefully, even twice if need it. Do not answer the questions without reading them.  I think you are ready to start. Just relax and do it.  When you finish downloaded in Google Drive and you will have the corrections. 😊 Heat and light Test Unit 5 Name                       Class             Number           1. Say true or false? a) Heat and temperature a...

Saber hacer lengua

Buenas tardes a todos Cristina me ha pedido que comparta con vosotros este trabajo. Saber hacer

20th April Science and English.

TOMORROW we will have Science test. To complete the unit today you will do on your note book Page 98 ex 1 & 3 Page 99 ex 5 & 6 Page 100 mind map Today English is about Milton Para que quede claro todo lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora a la 13 horas habilitaré el chat de Milton que habéis utilizado a principio de curso para 5: A que puedan todos los que quieran entrar comunicarse conmigo en directo y solucionar dudas. A las 14:00 abriré el chat de 5 B. Para los que no puedan por la mañana abriré por la tarde 5A a las 18 y 5B a las 19 horas. Después de mi salida estos chats se volverán a cerrar. Recordad que para acceder tenéis que entrar en la aplicación y buscar chat y allí tendremos una conversación en directo. Para los que todavía no han entrado en Milton y quieran hacerlo las claves las envíe la semana que empezamos el confinamiento. I'm looking foward chatting with you. PD por favor mirad la entrada de deberes en Google Drive

IMPORTANTE Deberes a través de Google Drive

Buenas tardes de sábado. Yo era muy optimista y pensé que volveríamos sobre esta época al colegio. Perdonad mi confianza. Como el confinamiento parece que se va a alargar y respondiendo a vuestras peticiones he pensado en un método mucho más seguro que el envío de correos electrónicos con los deberes. Para que todos sepamos lo que se ha enviado y tengamos claro todas las tareas que se han hecho durante el tiempo. Con este método no habrá dudas de lo que se ha mandado y lo que falta. Hasta ahora las mandabais por mail y muchos dudabais si se había hecho todo. A través de Google Drive he creado una cuenta para cada niño. No por familia, por niño. A lo largo de esta tarde habréis recibido un mensaje de este tipo. Por favor mirad en vuestro spam o carpeta de correos  no deseados sino está en la carpeta de entrada.  El correo será este. 1 figura Una vez abierto el correo poner el cursor en open y nos redigirá a  2 figura   Hacemos click en el ...

17th April Science

Review MIND MAP  D ownload  mind map it is easy to study from it. VIDEOS REVIEW  (BLOG) Take a look to all the videos that I posted in the blog for the unit Review pages 88 & 89 read them 3 times and underline them Next Tuesday 21th unit 5 test

17th April English

VOCABULARY  Student Book page 48 exercises 3 & 6 Work Book page 33 exercises 1,2 & 3 Student Book page 101 past simple and past continous explanation read it carefully exercises 1 & 2 Correction student book (pg 48)  Exercise 4 1B    2C   3A Exercise 5 Students should underline it wasn't raining. Dad was building a fire, my sister was reading,Kevin and I were climbing a tres. 1 yesterday at 7 p.m.   2No   3No Correction Work Book page 32  Exercise 1 He was sleeping. They were singing They were talking/ having cofre They were laughing She was studying Student's own answer Exercise 2 He wasn't dancing They weren't studying They weren't singing They weren't drinking cofre She wasn't laughing I wasn't doing an exam

16th April mind map Light and Heat

Descargar Cliquear en descargar y veréis el mapa conceptual del tema de naturales. Intenté descargarlo ¨pero creo que ahora no dará problemas que es de lo que se trata.

16th April Science

REVIEW HEAT  (BLOG) Review pages 86 & 87 read them 3 times and underline them. Correction (page 93) exercise 2         a-3    b-1    c-2

16th April English

LISTENING        Listening exercise on line.       Let´s try with PET  pay attention to the instructions. Click in the blue letters and it will appear.  Finish the first part, listen and complete the test, keep your record and write them down in the blog as you have done before. Go to the bottom and click in "conversations" Listen and finish the test keep your records and write them in the blog. Student Book  (page 48) exercises 4 & 5 Work Book (page 32) exercises 1 & 2 Correction Student Book (page 101) exercise 1  What were you doing last night at ten o´clock? It wasn´t raining this morning. I was having a French lesson whhile they were having an exam. Sophie wasn´t travelling on the bus at 8 a.m. While Jack was reading Emily was playing the guitar. Next Thursday 23th unit 8 test

15th Science

THE LAWS OF LIGHT  Explanation Basic laws of light  click in te blue letters and you will understand the main differences between reflection, refraction and dispersion. Remember to click the arrow at the top right to continue with the presentation until the end.  Read 3 times and underline page 92 & 93 Natural Science book Complete Activity 2 page 93 Correction (pg 91) exercise 2        2 Opaque materials don't let any light pass through them.  Translucient materials let some light pass through them. Transparent materials let light pass through them.